Saturday, December 5, 2009

Retired Nave SEAL questions Nation's Priorites

I don't believe the "Nation" questions this. I think that the anti-American Left and the anti-war, anti-Bush proponents have made this an issue.

Who will fight or stand for American interests when they risk criminal prosecution? This doesn't even rise to the level of Abu Ghraib ...which in my opinion was not news-worthy, just dumb.
clipped from

The recent news regarding the U.S. Navy SEALs who are facing trial by court-martial raises many questions about the current mental state of America’s military, its civilian leadership and the thoughts and feelings of the American people in general.

Is giving an enemy terrorist a fat lip as bad as shooting and killing four American contractors on a food delivery run?  Is a bloody lip equal to dragging dead American bodies through the streets of Fallujah and hanging them from a bridge? 
Are a few bruises, normally associated with apprehending a non-compliant enemy combatant, as bad as lighting dead American bodies on fire and chanting while videotaping for the world to see?
 blog it

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